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Buddypress issue

  • jhvalet


    Hi! I am having an issue with Buddypress. I noticed there were some repair issues listed in the “Tools” section so, I clicked repair on a few of them and ended up getting kicked out of the admin panel. I can upload BP with no problems but, as soon as I activate it I get kicked out. I spent a few hours troubleshooting with my hosting company and they have determined it is a problem with Buddypress. I have tried several different versions of BP and have the same problem. I have also changed the theme and used Twenty Twelve, Twenty Thirteen, etc. and have the same problem. I can access the front end of my site just not the admin panel. You can see on the front end that BP is installed. I currently have no plugins active because we wanted to make sure it was indeed BP. I am running WP version 4.4.1 and X Theme. As I said before it doesn’t matter what theme or version of BP I use I still have the same problem. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!


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