What versions of mu, bp are you using?
Is this from the home theme?
Is this from the member theme?
I have a similar issue, but I am not using the home theme so it is to be expected.
MU Version 2.7-RC1-10145
BP 1.0b1
Is there anyway to integrate these directories (news/members/groups/blogs) into a custom home theme?
From the member theme, I’d like users to be able to access the directories. But, as of now, clicking on ‘news’ results in 404 and clicking on ‘members/groups/blogs’ shows initial listings without any functionality.
I should probably focus on customizing the BP home theme to look and act more like my custom theme. But if there is a reasonable fix to integrating the directories into my custom theme, I’d be grateful to be pointed in the right direction.
I’m using all the latest versions of code. 2.7 trunk 1578, buddypress 1 beta
home theme
The directories should work on any theme when you browse to the URL.
any chance it’s a permission issue? it’s all root chmod 755 now
@ottochen you are having these problems using the home theme on what blog? The root mu blog id 1? Or are you activating the home theme on a subdomain blog. That’s ok but the ‘news’ not working is indicative of running home on a subdomain.
I just looked at the code. The home theme should get the latest blog posts on the blog it’s activated on now. There was a restriction in there that caused it to fail on subdomains with 404. Andy made it go away.
@belogical things fail 404 if:
they aren’t there
apache/.htaccess rewrites things and they aren’t where we tell apache they are
bp snags those urls (which it does) and things aren’t where they should be
What do your error logs say when you hit: news, members, …
The mysite.org/blogs, mysite.org/news … urls for bp directories are just virtual urls. bp hooks them and goes out happily trying to run the appropriate code. It might be a permissions problem. Not found can also mean Not accessable.
Error logs?
I have tried to figure this out for few days, and finally I found the problem.
I didn’t change the apache configuration about the directory “AllowOverride” option.
After I did that, the members, groups, news, blogs are working now.
Hope this help.
i get this problem also
but members, blogs, and groups works fine
news doesnt
any ideas?
If you are running the beta then ‘news’ works. It’s probably an mu or apache config problem like chinian had.
Here is the error I am getting in the logs.
[Wed Dec 24 10:27:58 2008] [error] [client 123.456.789.101] File does not exist: /var/www/vhosts/domain.net/httpdocs/news, referer: http://domain.net/
Does the rewrite look like it’s going to the correct place? (/var/www/vhosts/domain.net/httpdocs/news)
ok, i found an httpd.include that has apache config in it. i added this, restarted apache, and the same errors.
<Directory /var/www/vhosts/domain.net/httpdocs>
AllowOverride FileInfo Options
doh!!! WPMU 101!
sometimes you try to just go too deep. i saw a htaccess.dist and just assumed it was my .htaccess
i was wrong.
uploaded the .htaccess and it’s working!