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Another Clueless Admin – WP and BP won’t play together

  • @thegoodnamesweretaken


    Buddypress installs, but has no functionality.

    Hosting on local server/system
    Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
    php-curl php-gd php-mbstring php-xml
    Wordpress 4.9.6
    Buddypress 3.0.0

    Fresh install of OS, WordPress, and Buddypress – The only plugin installed before Buddypress was ‘All In One WP Security’ (using only it’s default settings) to prevent bots/spam. De-activating WP Security plugin, and then uninstalling/reinstalling Buddypress does not solve the problem.

    Wordpress – Directory install
    Buddypress path – /user/share/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/

    Wordpress works fine on it’s own – default WordPress theme Twenty-seventeen

    * The following code was added to wp-config:
    define(‘FS_METHOD’, ‘direct’);
    define(‘WP_HOME’, ‘’);
    define(‘WP_SITEURL’, ‘’);
    define(‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ‘256M’);

    * Buddypress: installs, activates, and creates it’s blank pages (Registration, Activation, Members, Activity…) but all pages return 404 errors.
    * I do see the ‘Welcome to Buddypress’ splash page, and under Dashboard>Settings>Buddypress, all options are available, but have no effect on the installation. It’s as if Buddypress and WordPress are sharing the same space, but are not interacting. I do not find ‘Buddypress Theme’ in my dashboard either.

    Thank you for your time.

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  • @vapvarun


    @thegoodnamesweretaken save the permalinks again with /%postname%/



    Thank you for the quick reply. Unfortunately, changing this setting did nothing. I removed/replaced buddypress (with no other plugins active) and still get the same results.



    I stand corrected. It did change something.
    The plugins ‘Theme My Login’ and ‘Force Login’ will no longer work with my site, since making this change. They both cause 404 errors now, as well.



    I forgot to list the apache rewrite_mod above, but it is also installed.

    Buddypress instructions say to ‘AllowOverride all’ to the folder containing htaccess, however, using these instructions as a base, I set ‘Allowoverride all’ to my /usr/share/wordpress directory. htaccess is located in /etc/wordpress. Could this be the problem? and If so, how would I correct it?

    Thank you for your time.



    Does Buddypress assume that WordPress is installed in the /var/www/html directory?



    Perhaps this will help to identify my problem.

    The Registration link on my homepage points to ‘’. When I create a Register page for Buddypress under Dashboard>Pages, WP creates the registration page with an address of ‘’.

    Buddypress is not automatically connecting with any of the new pages which I have read that I should create for it.

    I’m hoping someone can steer me in the right direction to solve this problem.



    Inside Permalinks
    Setting >> Permalinks
    set it is /%postname%/



    @vapvarun As I have already mentioned, changing permalinks to the /%postname%/ option does nothing to remedy my situation.

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