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[Resolved] Installing BP shuts down the site

  • nessynoodles


    I’ve never had this happen before but after installing BP through the wp-admin interface the site completely disappeared… all I got was a “0” at the top left corner. No error message, nothing. I deleted the plugin through ftp and tried again and exactly the same happened again.

    I updated to WP 3.2.2 the other day, updated one other plugin today (Jetpack), and then this happened. Any ideas?

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  • Hugo Ashmore


    And does this happen if you just run WP i.e leave BP deactivated and any other plugins that are not necessary, in other words can you get the most basic WP instance running to point to a plugin issue or if that does get WP running then you may need to re-install WP.

    This is probably a situation that requires some study of your server logs, access, and error logs to see what events are recorded to give you a clue as to what is happening.

    Boone Gorges


    As Hugo points out, this is almost certainly a memory issue. Check out for details on increasing your memory limit. If this is not the problem, then, as Hugo says, we’d need more details from server logs to diagnose properly.



    thanks for this.. I made the changes to the memory limits and ensured all unnecessary plugins were removed. It worked that time.

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