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Editing this Plugin

  • raminjan


    Now I hope this post wouldn’t get locked but I have a question regards to this plugin, i was wondering to know if someone can edit this plugin to add functionalities like uploading video, uploading video using webcam, image edit before post, all of this in the comments. Okay guys there’s this plugin which allows you to post media along with your comments but its not all the way there it needs improvements and unfortuanetly I can’t get a hold of the author since it sounds like he’s European and I am not sure if I can communicate with his language. so if you want please take a look at this plugin.

    the plugin is called: buddypress-activity-plus

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  • modemlooper


    Any plugin in the plugin link above or from must be released under a gpl license. This license grants anyone the right to take and modify, use and redistribute. So yes, you can edit the plugin all you want.



    I understand modemlooper bud but I was wondering to know about your opinion as a expert on this plugin dude I know you know things about bp and with your premission I did installed your version of bp-default theme whichs awesome anyway but what i am looking for is a comment box similiar to Facebook’s I want to be able to let my users upload music playlist and comment on it, upload videos and so on but this plugin is kind of limited can you Please help me on this thank you bro.



    It’s too much work which is why that plugin may not be as good as you want it. What you want will most likey require hiring a developer if you cannot make the currrent plugin work. You want a very “premium” feature.

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