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Users can’t edit profile properly

  • mysticsofthenight



    I recently installed the BuddyPress plugin, which is version buddypress.4.4.0 and users can click on edit profile, but they can only edit their name. I also disabled the feature that is through WordPress and lets users edit their profile there because it doesn’t show up on users’ profile page on my social site that BuddyPress manages. Users should be able to edit their profile in the edit option of their profile on my site that BuddyPress manages because the feature is there to do so, but it only allows users to edit what is called “Base Name” under edit profile and they can’t add their bio or anything else. Is there another plugin I have to use with Buddy Press to make it to where users can edit their profile in the edit profile section of their profile on my site that BuddyPress manages? Any help is appreciated. Thanks!



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  • mysticsofthenight


    Nevermind all. I found out how to fix it. You have to go to WordPress admin > Users > Profile fields and you can add any fields to the profile section of the profile on your website. This allows users to add their name, bio, location, work, education and anything else you want them to be able to add in their profile on your site instead of in the backend of the wordpress page. Also, you can install a plugin that prevents your users from clicking on the dashboard link in top left toolbar and going to backend profile, which is called Remove Dashboard access Version 1.1.3 | By Drew Jaynes and can be found at That said, problem solved and may my solution fix this same users not being able to add more fields in their profile section on a main website powered by BuddyPress that other admins encounter permanently.

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