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Problems with Groups and Forums

  • @inaregee


    I have a site that runs WordPress 3.4.1 with Buddypress 1.5.6
    It has the Group forums turned on but they just mess me about and here is why:
    1. The editor will format a forum page quite nicely yet the formatting disappears when the forum post is displayed
    2. I put in standard double quotes and it decides to change them to something different. Took me ages to solve that one today when that messed up an html snippet that I had posted.
    3. I post a snippet of html to demonstrate something which gets displayed as html. I go i to correct a typo and then it decides to decipher it as a link. I use the actual codes around the link then edit the post again cos I still had something wrong. It has decided to replace the codes yet again. Basically I am unable to edit a post for fear that it will change something
    4. There is no easy way to add images to forum posts yet I can do it in the actual group. Now I may just be missing a plugin for this one but I cannot tell users to type in the html to include something. They dont know html so I increase my support load

    I need forums to work for some things but the way they are is causing me immense frustration. I may be missing something obvious. If so What?

    Note that I wont change core files because I have enough of an IT background to know that causes many problems with upgrades. Child theme might be the solution although I would prefer to wait for BP 1.6 to do that

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