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How to get a-z (alphabetic) links on member list?

  • kmhanser


    I am searching for a method to add a-z (alphabetic) links onto the buddypress member list page. I’ve searched around the ‘net, and I even found a few pages referring to something like this, but I haven’t yet found out how to either add or enable this functionality.

    I can edit the members-loop.php to add the links if I need to, I just need to know how to get buddypress to re-sort the members page list when a link is clicked? Possibly related to search_terms, but I haven’t been able to find documentation that tells me how to use the search_terms option(?) Or am I way off here?

    Or is this functionality already in buddypress and i just need to turn it on somehow?

    I just want to have simple:

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

    links across the top of the members list, which when clicked will sort/search the members list based on the letter clicked. Even better would be if I could have 2, one for first name and one for last name (as I have the Buddypress Real Names plugin installed to separate the two name fields..)

    Any help or pointers in the right direction would be appreciated?

    (also, unrelated to this particular issue, just a general question about the forum: Is there “search” functionality on this forum? I didn’t see a search button to search the forum for related posts..?)


    (latest version of buddypress, just updated it today)

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  • kmhanser


    Nobody can offer any suggestions on how to do this?

    Roger Coathup


    You could code this, but it would require strong dev skills. It’s not supported by the built in bp_has_members() search parameter.

    [Edit: the solution would probably involve a search on wp_users first (perhaps with a custom sql statement) to get a list of the member IDs for the selected letter, and then passing that list of IDs to bp_has_members()]

    Paul Wong-Gibbs


    Versions of BuddyPress prior to 1.2 had a very similar feature. You could try downloading a 1.1.x version of BuddyPress and investigating its templates. Be warned, all most everything’s changed, so you would need to be confident with code to follow through and see what’s changed.



    Thanks! Just wanted to be sure it wasn’t a simple built in feature before I dove in and tried to do it by hand :) I had seen other pages on the ‘net referring to the buddypress user list and screenshots that showed it, those must have been from the previous < 1.2 versions.

    Thanks for the info!

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