Display user’s media gallery on their profile page
I can’t figure out how to display the media gallery on the profile page that have been uploaded by that user only. I’ve tried the following shortcode:
[rtmedia_gallery context=”profile” context_id=”<?php echo bp_displayed_user_id() ?>”]
but only get a “Sorry !! There’s no media found for the request !!” message. It works if I specify a user id in the context-id parameter, but I need it to work for whichever user’s profile page I’m on.
I also attempted to modify the template files but not having any luck. I have very limited php editing skills but could handle it if I knew specifically which files to edit and what code to use. A shortcode solution would be great though.
This is a profile page I’m testing on – https://thesiteshark.com/village-elementor/business-directory/alyssard/
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