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Profile / Groups page layouts broken

  • epgb101


    Since updating to 12.4.1 the /members/ and /groups/ pages show profiles and groups layout rather messed up. Not complaining – looking at 12.4.1 updates notes that say the update is related to widget security makes me think it’s something to do with that as these are widget-like sections that broke. I’m using GWANGI theme.
    I wondered if anyone had the same issue and a simple WP/BP fix or suggestions I can do in /wp-admin/ or code. Meanwhile I will contact the theme maker to see if it’s their end.

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  • epgb101


    OK UPDATE: the issue was ‘Grimlock for Buddypress’ plugin which Theomosarus have just updated. It’s fixed the profile /members/ display page – but not the /groups/ page. Perhaps they are aware of that and working on it. Here was their note on their update;

    1.5.3 – 2024-05-02
    Fix members list display with BuddyPress 12.4.1+

    If anyone can contact them regarding the same issue exists with /groups/ that would be great as I can’t reach them.

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