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Nothing in activites / Mentions / Favorites + other questions

  • @pharrell2



    I’ve installed BP on my wordpress site, which uses the Re-Hub theme, and i have a lot of questions.
    I cant find answers in the doc.

    1) How can I configure the user profile page? There are elements I find unnecessary for my website, and I’d like to remove them: the sharing buttons, the “write a note” option, etc.

    2) Users registered on my site can publish articles using a frontend plugin, comment, etc.
    However, nothing appears in the “Activity” section: even if someone has published an article, nothing shows up. Similarly, nothing appears if they leave comments, someone replies to their comment, or tags them.
    Also, what does the “Favorites” button correspond to? With the theme I’m using, users can save articles as favorites, which are then displayed on a dedicated page. Is that what it’s supposed to refer to?

    3) On the profile page, users can change their username and select a username that’s already in use (which isn’t allowed during registration). How can I fix this?

    Thank you in advance.

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