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Remove date and author name in BP blog

  • @gaetanbuddypress


    Hello the BuddyPress Community!!

    I post my question here because I think the answer is in buddypress-member file or buddypress-home file, but i can\’t find it.

    I\’d like to remove the date and the author name in the buddybress blog posts (exactly like those ones

    I only use the buddypress-member & buddypress-home files. I was looking for a file like \”content.php\” or something like that, but I can\’t find where is the code to delete.

    Do you know where it is?

    And, where can i change the word \”Blog\” at the top of the same page like (just bellow \”social network\”)?

    Thanks a lot!!;-) Have a nice week-end!!!


    (i\’m actually using:

    wp mu: branches_2.7-r1728

    bp: trunk-r1324)

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  • @gaetanbuddypress


    and as usual, if it’s not clear enough, no problem, don’t hesitate to let me know!;-)



    As to your first question:

    Look in the loop in your theme’s index.php file for this:

    <p class="date"><?php the_time('F j, Y') ?> <em><?php _e( 'in', 'buddypress' ) ?> <?php the_category(', ') ?> <?php printf( __( 'by %s', 'buddypress' ), bp_core_get_userlink($post->post_author) ) ?></em></p>

    Make the necessary changes.

    As to your second question, look for this also in the same file:

    <div class="widget" id="latest-news">
    <h2 class="widgettitle"><?php _e( 'Blog', 'buddypress' ) ?></h2>

    Change the word “Blog” To whatever you like.

    Please note: if you plan on sticking with BuddyPress’ standard themes, you will lose these changes the next time you upgrade BP. So, either you live with that and make the changes again with each upgrade, you create your own custom themes (possibly by simply copying the current themes and renaming them), or you never write over the theme files when upgrading.

    The second option is the best in my opinion. But, with each upgrade, you should still evaluate any changes that may have been made in the new standard theme as they could be important.



    Thanks so much Jeff for your help!!

    I’m really happy, that’s exactly what I need!!

    And thanks for your note, you’re right, and I keep a list about what I do, what I change,…to remember everything.

    Enjoy your day!!





    Glad I could help. Good luck with your site.

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