Do you have a theme named “bpmember” in your wp-contents\bp-themes\ directory?
If so, have you navigated to your BuddyPress settings and activated that theme as your members theme?
Ya, John’s right. That’s the symptoms of just putting bpmember in /wp-content instead of /wp-content/bp-themes/bpmember during an upgrade. You then have to vist BuddyPress > General Settings and say Save.
It’s due to the directory ‘bug’ in wpmu 2.7.1.
Same problem here wp-themes/bpmember is in wp-content. I did as told.
Additionally BuddyPress > General Settings doesn’t shows up.
Same problem here wp-themes/bpmember
If that is the case, then you have an incorrect directory name. The bpmember theme should be in /wp-contents/bp-themes/, not /wp-themes/.
Also, make sure that you do not have any old BuddyPress themes or old BP theme directories in /wp-content/.