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buddypress login widget broken

  • @anointed


    I have buddypress installed in a subdomain. wpmu is installed in root domain.

    When I visit my profile page, there is a login bar on the left of the default theme.

    I cannot login there as when I enter username/password it reverts me back to the root blog when I click submit giving me a 404 error with path:

    I’m guessing this has to do with the fact that buddypress won’t work when running on a subdomain??? (same problem as all uploaded images not showing up???)

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  • @burtadsit


    You can indicate to bp that it should consider a particular blog/subdomain as the one it should operate on. That is defined by the BP_ROOT_BLOG in bp-core.php. Change that to the blog id that you want bp to consider it’s own. In bp-custom.php:

    define( ‘BP_ROOT_BLOG’, X );

    Where X is the blog id of your subdomain.

    I’m not sure what you mean by ‘buddypress installed in a subdomain’. There are VPS defined ‘subdomains’ done at the server level and there are wpmu’s concept of multiple blogs as wildcard ‘subdomains’ mapping to a particular blog id.

    bp is installed wherever wpmu is installed. It has no independent relationship to domains. bp only has knowledge of blog ids.



    Ok, I wasn’t clear enough:

    I installed wpmu using subdomains.

    I had Nicola install buddypress onto my main domain for mu. Then after seeing the roadmap and a few other notes, I decided to move buddypress from the foreground on the homepage to a subdomain so that I could use a production ready theme for my site.

    I created a new blog ‘community’ and turned on the buddypress theme. I also went into bp-custom.php and inserted your code, replacing the X with the blog id# (I had also tried applying the code change to wp-config.php as well, did not work either)

    Basically bp is not picking up the fact that it is now blog id #30 instead of blog id#1, hence the broken login and also the image upload problems that popped up after ‘moving’ bp off the root blog.

    I hope this is more clear



    I can only comment on how bp 1.0+ operates. What version bp? I don’t know that the image upload or login problems have anything to do with what we are talking about. When you select one of the directories such as members, groups or blogs from the theme main nav, does it run the directories properly? If the answer is yes to that and your member theme works properly then bp is happy with whatever blog id it thinks you’ve defined as it’s root blog.

    There are also two different types of image uploads in bp/wpmu. bp’s avatars and the blog post images that are associated with them. Which one are you referring to?



    In 1.0.1 I tried the login from the member theme sidebar area and if you have the bp root blog defined properly it works just fine. I assigned another blog as the BP_ROOT_BLOG and everything bp stopped working on blog id 1 as expected. It works just fine from blog id 17 that I switched it to.



    Do you have any custom code in bp-custom.php or plugins that redirect the user after login active? The normal behavior for login from that member theme sidebar area is to drop right back into to the same blog you logged in from.

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