Google maps for xprofile
Hi, I started to write a plugin for saving and displaying maps (from Google maps) on a user profile, based upon the value of some xprofile fields.
I made it under BP1.0.3. (Seems that there are problems with BP1.1 ?)
It is build on the top of the “mappress-google-maps-for-wordpress” plugin, so you have to install it too to make this work.
First, you have to define in the mapPress admin page (bp-mapPress options are in there) some informations for bp-mapPress :
-the profile group where the map will be loaded
-the fields that will be used (ex. street + city + country) to search the location
-some other minor stuff.
Then, you can add a marker with a location in your profile.
The map will be displayed on your profile too.
It’s an (very) early work but you can try it here; if you would like to see it.
Just wondering what you think of after 2 days of work.
I made some minor changes in the original mappress plugin (added the filters return ‘mappress_has_maps’, ‘load_map_args’ and ‘mappress_save_options’) : So I included my modded version in this zip so you can try it.
I contacted the author of the plugin to see if he could add them in his code.
He told me that he will soon release a new version so i’ll wait until that to continue the developpement…
As you will see; there are bugs and it doen’t display very properly, but with some css and jquery it must be possible…
If I continue working on this; I would like to add those features :
-add a group submenu to list group members on a single map;
-add a page where are listed all the members of the buddyPress
-define “Get directions” to make the startpoint your own saved map
Enjoy !
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