Removing default sidebars
When you create a child theme, the sidebars from the parent bp-sn-theme are included, even if you implement your own functions.php in your child theme.
Is there anyway to remove these sidebars without resorting to unregister_sidebars function calls in your child functions.php?
In a similar vein, why isn’t the parent functions.php overridden when you implement a functions.php file in your child theme?
Note: unregister_sidebars() doesn’t appear to work.
Therefore, is there anyway to remove the sidebars registered in bp-sn-parent, without hacking the functions.php file in bp-sn-parent?
a child theme to the parent theme is not a different structure but a different look… your best shot would be to start over with a theme you like and integrate the functions you need from a bp-sn-theme as example…
unregister_sidebar() works but it is weird and finicky.
WP’s internal documentation says that unregister_sidebar() takes the ID of the sidebar as an argument, which I suppose is technically true, but it’s misleading. Sidebar IDs are automatically generated. They look like sidebar-1, sidebar-2, etc, and are different from the names you give a sidebar when you register it.
Here’s a little function you can use to see what your sidebars look like (don’t use this on a live site!):
`function what_are_my_sidebars_called() {
global $wp_registered_sidebars;
print “
"; print_r($wp_registered_sidebars); print "
“; die();
add_action( ‘wp_head’, ‘what_are_my_sidebars_called’, 1 );
Dang it, those print statements were supposed to have
tags (to make the print_r readable). You can fill in the blanks.I unregistered the sidebars. As mentioned above, they go by ID… not name. Also, if you want to register NEW sidebars… they come first in line. So let’s say you register a new sidebar in your child’s function.php file named “my-sidebar” and want to unregister the other three that the parent theme uses. You have 4 sidebars now to deal with. Your’s (id = sidebar-1) and the other three from the parent. You would do something like this:
register_sidebars( 1,
'name' => 'my-sidebar'
function remove_sidebar() {
add_action( 'admin_init', 'remove_sidebar');So every time i add a sidebar to my custom theme the id of the bp-default sidebar is count up by 1? That would mean i have to dive back into child-themes function.php and higher the unregister_sideabar(‘sidebar-x’) by one?
Edit: I checked it in my child-theme and the procedure above is unfortunately true. WordPress Codex also says it only goeas by ID:
Thanks for the feedback guys.
I adopted David’s function and it worked.
Note: As of BuddyPress 1.2, this is less of an issue, as the default theme (similarly to most WordPress themes) only comes with a single sidebar
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