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Facebook integration plugin for BuddyPress

  • @rocko88



    Can you please help me find a decent plugin with facebook connect functionality?

    I need a plugin which can:
    – implement facebook connect on my buddypress installation
    – when creating user account via facebook connect, allow user to choose desired username (and not autogenerate it based on name or smthn)
    – sync user profiles with facebook data and/or avatars with facebook profile pictures
    – give user an option to publish their comments and/or other activity on BP website to their facebook walls
    – features for users attaching/deattaching their current WP-BP’s account to facebook’s

    Thanks in advance.

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  • @covandy


    The best combo I can suggest is fb auto connect (still will not be able to choose their username) and buddystream release today (premium)



    Yes, I know fb-auto-connect but not having the option to choose an username on signup is a real bummer. User can change a display name later, but the @ mention name still stays automatically generated facebook “name.surname”…

    And I was waiting for buddystream release, but for some reason it doesn’t have single-click sign up options with 3rd party sites…

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