It should work on the normal user blogs, the main blog (with bp functions) is gonna need some adjustments though.
Yeah, exactly. Any theme will work, but you will have to copy some of the templates from the bp-default theme into whichever theme you use, and write custom CSS to style the pages to match your site.
My website is running On Demand theme. I would love to pay someone to integrate it with WP! So far, I could not find a developer to do this. It seems that they prefer to work only on BP themes
Contact me if anyone can do this.
Why not check the WP forum?
So if I install WPMU, then Buddypress, then the On Demand theme, my site members will each have their own video gallery blog, be able to view other members video blogs, and with a little tweaking the main page can be a video gallery of all videos posted by all members (or rather maybe show the most recent postings)?
Did anyone ever get On Demand working with Buddypress ?