A good start although a few things come up whilst looking at it. There are a few browser issues and I get a general feeling that’s a little cramped in it. Perhaps don’t box things in so much and use a bit more spacing on things like the sides of the panel. Content can be separated effectively by white space and maybe that would work well here rather than a border around things.
Like the use of the drop down login panel which really lifts it. I think with a few touches too like maybe a patterned background you can really build on what you have.
Thank you for the suggestions.
What browser issues did you see? (and what browser are you using?)
Firefox seems to have some issues but as a rule do a check in: opera, safari, firefox, chrome and ie 7/8 – then at least you’ve got your basic bases covered.
I think the site looks great! Is that a plug in that allows the registration drop down or did you code it out? I’m less than 24 hours into buddypress so I know nada!
Thank you! The slider is the Buddypress Sliding Login Panel plugin. https://buddypress.org/community/groups/buddypress-sliding-login-panel/ Once they sign in it’s sort of a “dashboard” for the members.