Activity stream not showing comments
Any ideas? Help!
Check yourdomain//wp-admin/admin.php?page=bp-general-settings and see if you have `Disable activity stream commenting on blog and tutoring posts?:` set to yes.
Same problem for me. I completely uninstalled disqus. but blog post comments doesn’t appear in activity feed anymore.
Can anyone please help. I’ve activated and disactivated activity stream commenting but still no luck!Thank you in advance
Try this WordPress Disqus plugin to import your existing Disqus comments back onto your blog: had the same problem too, and thats when i realised that in the blog settings (Blog > Settings > Privacy)… you’ve got to select the option that says “I would like my site to be visible to everyone, including search engines (like Google, Bing, Technorati) and archivers”… and then, the blog and its comments will appear in the activity stream of the members posting comments or posting blog articles.. hope this helps.
Changing the privacy setting did allow a comment to appear in the activity stream. Why would the privacy settings make a difference?
Indeed, I had the same the problem. After checking “let google etc index this blog” it works. That’s a problem. I’m trying to create in intranet and I need google to index it.
i tried turning the setting mentioned here off then back on again and i still do not see page or post comments in the activity stream: is there a solution available?
this relates but i can’t put it together —
i am still having this problem and have updated to the latest versions of buddypress and wordpress…
i think this setting is on the options-reading.php page in WordPress 2.0.1 and is now called:
Search Engine Visibility Search Engine Visibility Discourage search engines from indexing this site It is up to search engines to honor this request.
…not 100% sure though…
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14 years, 3 months ago
After installing, activating and using disqus comment system my comments are not updating the activity stream. I tried to disable the plugin and post comment with the native comment system but it also doesn’t work. What should I do?