Hmm… that seems to take care of one of the three options I need. I may give that a try because I like the newsletter feature it adds too. Does anyone know of a more complete solution?
What does Traveljunkies checkbox do ?
Can it not simply be reworded to say something like:
“By checking this box you are accepting the terms and conditions of this site and acknowledge that you are over 18 and have read the privacy statement”
Although you don’t really need to have users read a privacy statement which is really there to cover you in pseudo legal manner.
Reading the T&C’s is more important.
The checkbox is simply an overt explicit action that a user must take in order to be able to proceed further with registration. In theory you can say what you please and selecting the checkbox simply acknowledges what’s written.
@hnla that’s a good point! I guess I could do a localization after installing the plugin to make it say what I want. Speaking of which, is it possible to insert hyperlinks into a localization file? If not, I guess I’ll have to figure out how to make the edit from within the plugin files.
I understand that having my users read my privacy statement is not necessarily a “requirement”. However, it’s better to be safe than sorry these days as people are suing over petty issues like having their identity stolen. (Disclaimer: that was sarcasm by the way… in case any of you who are reading this didn’t catch on to that, lol)
– Press ALT+F4 to acknowledge that you have read the disclaimer above.
All jokes aside, my privacy policy describes the ways in which my company attempts to protect the privacy of our members and I would like to ensure that this information is admissible in court if the need should ever arise. Requiring that my members read the privacy policy before creating their account is simply a means by which to ensure that end is achieved.
I’m with you 100% on the privacy policy actually.
Not sure about the hyperlinks in localization file would have thought not, but did just check out of curiosity and the text string that is editable in admin will actually take markup, doesn’t strip it out so you could enter links directly, but also would have thought it shouldn’t be too difficult to modify the plugin to take another link.
@hnla Ah, sweet… I’m definitely going to install this BP Xtra Signup plugin then. I’ll let you know how that goes.
@rogercoathup Thanks for providing the link! Forgot to say that earlier… better late than never though, right? 
@hnla , @rogercoathup I installed the BP Xtra Signup plugin and it works great! However, it does sanitize HTML markup. Could I do something like @r-a-y mentioned in this thread to stop it from sanatizing?
There is a custom placeholder though that will only display a single link which is defined in the next textbox. Anyone know how to make it display two separate links instead of just one? I should probably ask the plugin author that question, huh? Hey @travel-junkie… join the party! Gotta love that “mentions” feature, LOL four in one post… I’m on my way to setting a record! 
BTW: this plugin has an option to add an email confirmation too… this guy thought of everything! (well… almost, lol)