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Avatar Min & Max Width/Height (no square avatars)

  • @ekawaii



    I read in a past post that was about a year old (can’t find the link now >_<;) about having avatars that are not square and that a patch was made and I dug around but could not find a link to a old patch to even see how it was done. I’m not using gravatars.. only uploaded avatars.

    I’m wanting to have my avatars able to be the min width/height 150px x 150px and the max width/height 250px x 600px.

    Meaning they can upload any size of avatar inbetween a min of 150px width to a max of 250px width and a 150px min height to a 600px max height.

    Example: User uploads a avatar that is 200px width and 500px height. The avatar should appear with no cropping problems because it is inbetween the min and max width/height.

    This way users can customize their avatar as they want making it larger or smaller without having to keep them square. When I used phpbb the avatar option let you set a min and max height so you could do this and I was wondering if buddypress has the same options with a bit of customization.

    Is this possible?

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  • @ekawaii


    Anyone have any ideas that can point me in the right direction? I’d greatly appreciate it~

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