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blogs-loop.php – add a button to ”Add New Post”

  • @rogeriotoledo


    Hi Guys,

    I’m looking for some way to add some additional buttons on blogs loop / blog directory page. I’d like to add buttons like: manage posts, manage comments, change theme, etc.

    I found the blog loop code (blogs-loop.php) that lists all blogs. Currently there’s a button called “Visit”, that basically redirects the user to the blog. I’d like to add the additional buttons below the “Visit” button. The point is: before display the additional buttons, I’d like to check if the current user is the owner of the blog. In positive case I will add the extra buttons and in negative case, I will do nothing. Is there some way to do something like this?

    Note: I know that there aren’t functions/variables called current-user and blog-owner, but I’ve used them to exemplify what I want to do.

    Thank you.

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