Sorry i should put complete error i received.
Fatal error: Call to undefined function is_site_admin() in /home/echoman/public_html/wp-content/plugins/bp-phototag/includes/bp-album-core.php on line 305
I really do try and be as patient as possible. But atleast if no one has a reply. Tell me who or where i can go to get a response.
Hey echoman,
I just stumbled across your questions through Google and thought I’d offer you a little help. Do you see in your Fatal error where it says “is_site_admin()”? That’s where your problem is. You will need to open the bp-album-core.php file, scroll down to line 305 where it says “is_site_admin()”, and replace the word “site” with the word “super”.
just edit lines 228 and 305 ,
replace the word “site” with the word “super”.
> is_super-admin() ,