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BP1.2.8 and the WP 3.1 Admin Bar

  • @avim


    Hi guys!

    Thanks for the latest BP update!

    I have a question re the new WP admin bar and BP. I actually like the look and feel of the WP bar better and so was wondering if their is way to use it instead of the default BP one? Also assuming this can be done, is there an (easy) way to get the native WP bar to display (some or all of the ) BP bar links?

    Thanks in advance!

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  • @avim


    Found my Answer.

    The BuddyBar and the WP Admin Bar Additional logic has been added to the BuddyBar loader (bp_core_load_admin_bar()) to account for the introduction of a similar admin bar in WP 3.1. (There are plans to integrate the core version BuddyBar into the WP admin bar in the future, but for now you have to choose.) By default, the BuddyBar is shown. Site admins can disable the BuddyBar in favor of the WP admin bar by defining define( ‘BP_USE_WP_ADMIN_BAR’, true ); in wp-config.php. BP_DISABLE_ADMIN_BAR continues to disable *all* admin bars, and takes precedence over BP_USE_WP_ADMIN_BAR. If your plugin or your site has made modifications to the way that the BuddyBar loads, you might want to verify compatibility with BP 1.2.8.



    I have just upgraded to WP 3.1 and BP 1.2.8. Yes, admin bar came back. So I added…

    /* Remove the Admin bar */
    define(‘BP_DISABLE_ADMIN_BAR’, true);

    … tried it in both wp-config.php and bp-custom.php. Doesn’t appear to be working.

    Has this worked for others?



    Same trouble as @Ashley

    I would like to remove the admin bar totally – and the define(‘BP_DISABLE_ADMIN_BAR’, true); code does not seem to be working anymore :/



    I’ve opened an ticket for this bug.



    Did you read the link posted by Avi M?

    The BuddyBar and the WP Admin bar are two separate things at the moment.

    The WP admin bar was introduced in WP 3.1.

    BP_DISABLE_ADMIN_BAR only disables the BuddyBar (contrary to the blog post on

    To disable the WP admin bar, you can simply add the following in your theme’s functions.php:
    `add_filter( ‘show_admin_bar’, ‘__return_false’ );`



    Thanks for clarification! I’ll try this out tomorrow.



    Thanks @r-a-y

    The combination of the 2 setting did the trick.

    /* Remove the BuddyPress Admin bar */
    define(‘BP_DISABLE_ADMIN_BAR’, true);

    /* Remove the WordPress Admin bar */
    add_filter( ‘show_admin_bar’, ‘__return_false’ );

    Thanks again.

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