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buddypress doesn’t respond to internet requests

  • I have a ubuntu 10.10 machine running LAMP and WordPress MU and Buddypress.
    I can see and use buddypress on my local LAN but I cannot access it from the rest of the internet. I did DMZ my computer. I can pull up the default apache2 webpage from the internet showing the server is responding to outside requests. When I setup buddypress the instructions I followed had me put everything into a folder called blog. It’s located in /var/www/blog
    I did have 404 errors on most buddypress pages when I setup buddypress and I solved them, however the only solutions I have found want me to change my /etc/apache2/sites-available/default configuration. If I do that I get 500 internal server errors. I am hoping someone else has encountered this before. I just built the server so everything is the new versions.

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  • This is almost certainly nothing to do with BuddyPress, and is a webserver configuration. Can you get to any pages on your from the internet? If not, start at step one and configure Apache to listen to all requests on external IPs rather than localhost.

    Hi Paul,
    “Configure Apache to listen to all requests on external IPs rather than localhost.”
    That is the trick isn’t it. I have tried everything to get the computer to listen to the internet and I cannot do it. As I said before the default apache page shows from the internet but I can’t get it to open the /blogs directory.

    I have been working on this for four weeks. Doesn’t anyone know how to configure this on a Ubuntu computer? I can see the apache2 default page but I cannot see my /blog page from the internet. I have tried configuring apache2, the WordPress database, I DMZ’ed the router to the ubuntu machine. There has to be something I am missing. Maybe the redirect I made to get buddypress 404 pages to work is somehow messing things up.

    If you can pull up the Apache default page then the machines network config must be correct so the issue can’t lie there can it.

    This sounds more as though you haven’t configured vhost containers correctly or simply set the httpd.conf directory to that of your blog home instead of /var/www/html or /home/user/ or however Ubuntu configures things.

    If you have written redirects or custom re-write rules then comment them out until you have things working ok. WordPress handles all the rewriting necessary and as long as owner/group perms are set correctly then WP will create the .htaccess and write the rules necessary to it, if not simply copy the provided example ones when you try and set permalinks.

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