Yes they can! 
But they can only edit the name/email for instance if that’s what I setup for profile questions correct? I’m looking for a way to have the user complete a profile of more questions outside the original member sign up.
The only requirements for registration are:
-Email Address
-Display Name
Apart from that, set all your other xprofile fields as “not required” on the “BuddyPress > Profile Field Setup” page.
You might have to edit the /registration/register.php template file depending on how much you want to modify the look and feel of the page.
Oh I see, so basically I enable all the fields I want in the profile page and then manually remove them from the code in the register.php file is what you’re saying?
Create a new xProfile group in the wordpress dashboard; any fields not in the “Base” group will, by default, not appear on the registration form.
@r-a-y from your note in this thread you have Display Name showing in users’ profile page. Do you have any idea why it doesn’t show up in mine? Is there a common mistake people make that takes First Name, Last Name, Nick and Display Name out of the Buddy Press profile and the registration form?