You can manually add a member avatar to your avatar directory.
The suffixes are important as BP will pick up any image with the “-bpfull.jpg” suffix or the “-bpthumb.jpg” suffix.
If you only have to do this once, then this is sufficient.
If you want to replace all the member avatars with a default one, try reading this:
WoW that was a pain. There’s no other way to do this? I hope that’s in the works for the new version… sigh.
Thank you for your help.
Hi r-a-y. Once you add the files and subdirectory to your avatar directory, how do I connect the avatars to the users?
Eric – You don’t have to, as long as you’ve got them in the correct user_id directory. BP doesn’t store avatar information in the database, it just looks for files in the appropriate directory.