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Can functions in bp_template_tags.php be applied to a specific user ID?

  • dwdutch


    i found a number of bp_* functions that may be useful for my programming attempt to generate information about members; HOWEVER, many of the functions do not accept input parameters so it seems like they can be applied only on the currently active (i.e. logged-in) user ID.

    Is there a way to use these functions on specific user IDs (e.g. while looping through members)?

    Am i missing some fundamental understanding of BP code execution? (I’ve scoured the documentation and forums but, so far, have not found any relevant reading material)

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  • Paul Wong-Gibbs


    As a rule of thumb, if something is in a -templatetags.php file, then it was designed to be used somewhere on a theme template. And if it isn’t in -templatetags.php, then it probably shouldn’t be used on a theme template.

    Which functions are you looking at?

    Boone Gorges


    As Paul said, those functions are intended to be used in a theme template. More specifically: they’re meant to be used inside of a member/group/activity/etc loop. So if you’re inside of a member loop

    functions like bp_member_name() will automatically detect which member is currently being processed. There’s no need for a $user_id argument.

    Most of the bp_has_x functions take arguments for specific members. For instance, bp_has_members( ‘include=3,7,24’ ) will make a loop of just those three members. Inside of that loop you can use any of the templatetags functions.

    See, for example,



    @DJPaul: I was looking for functions that might manipulate various xProfile fields (in particular) i was trying to extract info about checkbox type field. (I see that you may have provided me some insight on that topic in a separate thread).

    @boonebgorges: thanks for the clarification re: files used for themes – i was wondering why it was named as it was but i couldn’t find any explanation. I had looked at the members loop documentation and I saw that the while loop is controlled by bp_members() but since i could find no documentation on that function, I assumed that it must loop through all members on a site (which is overkill for my goal — i just need to identify a handful of members who have a certain xprofile value set THEN i want to display them).

    Meanwhile, back to this question… and my feeble attempt to avoid confusion.

    1) if I’m understanding you correctly then by calling bp_has_members( ‘include=3,7,24? ) I’m effectively setting up a “global” loop within my instantiation of BP that is incremented with each call to bp_members(). So, while within the “global” loop, all function call potentially reference the same current iteration of $user_id. Did i understand correctly?

    2) Yet, there must be certain functions that only refer to the currently logged-in user_id (e.g. is_site_admin()). How do i distinguish between which function type is which kind?

    3) Why can’t I find bp_has_members in Is there some other “official” place to go learn what functions exist and are available to me?



    Just to clarify… here’s what I’m doing. I’ve defined two xProfile groups: “Admin-only” and “Professional”. Next, I defined a membership-type field in that “Admin-only” group with values Pro, Standard and Volunteer. Finally, within the “Professional” group, I’ve provided several fields available only to that membership-type.

    Within my theme, I’ve modified edit.php to not display the SAVE CHANGES button on “Admin-only” edit-profile page unless user is a site administrator and to only display it on the “Professional” edit-profile page only if the user’s membership-type field (from the Admin-only” group) is set to Pro.

    Now, I’m working on a plug-in (because i don’t know how to add a page as part of a theme) that adds a unique page on my site that will list only those members who are membership-type=Pro. I want to display information from their respective Professional xProfile group fields. Eventually, I want to add filter capabilities to the top of the page based on the Professional xProfile group fields



    2) global $bp; echo $bp->loggedin_user->id; OR is_user_logged_in()

    3) Use my preferred method, dive into the code yourself! bp_has_members is available in /bp-core/bp-core-templatetags.php

    Boone Gorges


    1) Exactly right.

    2) Most (all?) BP-specific functions that default to the logged in user are named in a way that makes it clear. bp_loggedin_user_domain() is an example. There are some WP functions that take the logged in user as a default argument, and they’re generally not so helpfully named (fwiw the context is generally not so complex on a blog as it is in a BP network). current_user_can() is an example. When in doubt, I do a quick search through the codebase of a local installation. cd to the correct directory, and then grep -nR "function current_user_can" ./, etc.

    While the functions in bp-x-templatetags.php generally don’t accept arguments in the normal way – they get their arguments from the context of the iterating bp_has_x loop – there are also some functions that take user ids (or group ids, or activity ids, etc) as arguments. For instance, have a look at bp-groups.php and groups_get_total_member_count() – this isn’t intended to be used in the context of a groups loop. Generally you’re going to be better off using a loop, as the api is really designed around this kind of use, but you can use these other functions to do some things without loops.

    3) I used to use that phpxref on all the time, but sadly it’s a version or two out of date, and is kind of useless at this point. (bp_has_members, for instance, used to be bp_has_site_members or something like that). If I had some spare time and bandwidth, I would set up an up-to-date phpxref of the current version of BP. In the meantime, I recommend following @r-a-y ‘s advice and going directly to the BP codebase, until the community has come up with a better solution



    I tried the loop… this is AWESOME!!

    @boonebgorges: I agree with @r-a-y ’s advice — of course, without knowing the software structure of BP, it’s harder to find specific functions. Still… understanding the underlying concept of the “global” loop has freed my thought-processes. I had read the documentation on the Loop but didn’t grasp that this was such a basic underlying concept.

    Thanks, guys!

    Boone Gorges


    Very glad it works for you! The loop can indeed be very awesome when you wrap your mind around it!



    @dwdutch Do you mind sharing your plug-in code? I’m trying to do pretty much the same thing – list members on a page who have have a certain profile field set.

    I plan on rolling out similar filtering elsewhere but at the moment that seems like a distant dream. ;)

    I am using your ‘Admin-only’ xProfile Group mod so it’s a double thanks from me.

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