buddypress activity replies is not tied to wp commenting settings – all activity comments will post immediately.
let me clarify. I mean blog comments that register on the activity stream as new_blog_comment activity items. If a comment is made on a blog post, it gets created a activity,yes?
If those blogs have WP Comment settings or Akismet working, blog comment activity items still are published in the activity stream even before they are approved on the corresponding blog.
Not sure if there is conflict in code or something that cause similar problem. Maybe not related.
comment not showing up activity stream but that for wordpress and not wordpress multisite
ah got it, looks like it was supposed to be fixed https://trac.buddypress.org/changeset/3053 (though i could see if the comments made it in prior to this change) file a trac ticket if you can reproduce it
Hey, so I’ve been looking at this problem myself in the past couple days.
I’m finding that WP blog comments that are held for moderator approval are not getting inserted into the activity stream, but blog comments that are auto-spammed (from the comment-blacklist), are showing up in the activity stream.
I just entered a trac ticket about this if you’re interested in more details, or have something to add: https://trac.buddypress.org/ticket/2699
Thanks for reporting this, and supplying a fix — you rock!
14 years, 5 months ago
Is this a known issue? It sounds familiar like I’ve seen it in the trac or on these forums. I searched around here for a couple of minutes but didn’t find anything.
On multisite/bp 1.2.6
Even with having the Admin must approve setting the comments make their way to the stream.
* don’t know if this is related, but I’m having an issue with registered users having their comments go straight to spam. I’m trying to confirm if this is new or possibly related.