@bugicp, I know its not recommended but you could just put an iframe on the new page and make the iframe point to the x7chat script.
you should put the script call in a new page template and use that template for the page you would like to use the script on:
@bowromir, Exactly! 
@bugicp, to make it even better, modify the x7chat script to use the bp_user table in the BP database. That way users don’t need to sign in to buddypress and then sign into x7chat.
phpfreechat looks easy enough to install and customize (css, avatars, etc).
The only major drawback I see is that it requires a page in order to work; meaning that users must remain on that page to chat.
In a network or multisite install, even a basic Buddypress site, a chat system needs to be independent of pages so users can visit other sections or network sites/blogs while they chat.
@pcwriter, good idea! I’ve managed to integrate phpfreechat into a BP site I’m working on, where that chat is docked at the bottom of the screen while the user is able to browse through the website. I’m going to put together a little tutorial once I’ve fine tuned everything.
@thelandman That looks great. I’m a big proponent of lettings others learn from what we’ve done and accomplished. Is there any chance you could turn it into a plugin or possibly submit your code to the phpfreechat plugin developers and invite them to release their future versions with your “BP-enabled” settings?
@paulhastings0, of course I’ll try turn it into a plugin. I’ve never written a plugin but I’m pretty sure I can take a crack at it.
@pcwriter, the simple way to do it would be to make the “chat” page open in a new window. That’s how deviantart.com does it.
@thelandman I just wanted to let you know that @sbrajesh has been working on chat plugin of his own. Perhaps the 2 of you could combine efforts? He has a beta who’s source code is now GPL.
@paulhastings0, nice! Thanks for the suggestion. I’ll be sure to look into that.
Unfortunately I haven’t made any further progress on this. With work and life going on its difficult to find time to work continue with this… Perhaps I’ll get back on this and finish it up over the coming weekend. Thanks for the reminder.