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Custom Header Image Grainy

  • @hypermommymag


    I uploaded a header image and everything looked great. The size was 1250×125. I was never asked to crop or anything. I wanted to include ‘beta’ in the image so I changed the image and once it uploaded it asked me to crop so I just left it as is (didn’t crop anything) because it was the perfect size. Upon uploading though, my image is now grainy and pixelated. I’ve tried everything, changing file sizes etc. I’m not skilled in css or any of that coding stuff, but willing to learn :)

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  • @gunju2221


    The reason it is pixeled is not because of buddypress, it is most likely the image creator, or host that you made it from.

    When you make the image, make it as a png file, as png is the best image quality.



    I tried to recreate the file entirely and saved as png. I’m using photoshop CS5. I really don’t think it’s my image creator, it was working great before.

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