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Display the Admin in the Groups Member List

  • Trew Knowledge


    I am trying to use the ‘groups_is_user_admin( )’ function in the Group Members Section.

    I have the admins display in the Group Members list using ‘ bp_group_has_members( ‘per_page=15&exclude_banned=false&exclude_admins_mods=false’ )’

    However there is the “Promote to Admin” button beside their name. Clicking on this link receives an error, which is obvious.

    Ideally what I am trying to do is display the admin in the Group Members List, but not display the “Promote to Admin” link. Similar to the way a Banned user is displayed in the list.

    I tried using ‘groups_is_user_admin($bp->loggedin_user->id, $bp->groups->current_group->id)’ but that didn’t work. I also tried using ‘groups_is_user_admin( $user_id, $group_id )’ but that also didnt work.

    I also used ‘bp_group_is_admin()’ which did work, but changed the layout of all the members. Simply because it is detecting is the user is logged in, and not if the user is the Group Admin.

    Any thoughts?

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