Which comment boxes are you talking about? Which theme are you using?
Activity update’s comment boxes.
I’m using Huddle (http://themeforest.net/item/huddle-wordpress-buddypress-community-theme/835549) but I’ve asked on the forums and the answer was:
“This was the default functionality from BuddyPress original theme, and we kept this.
We don’t plan to do this soon, but if this functionality will be added we will announce this on forum”
@boonebgorges thanks for replying 
13 years, 1 month ago
Hey, I wanted to know if it would be possible to change how comment boxes load.
The problem is that if the site is taking sometime to load, the layout gets broken (showing comment boxes) until all elements are loaded.
I think It would also improve the site load speed since it won’t load _all_ of this elements.
I’d prefer to load them on request (if a user clicks on the comment button, load the comment box)
Thanks !