Is this expected behaviour and I am to dumb to understand it? : )
Hey—not expected behavior at all. Could another plugin/theme be causing this somehow? Anything you’ve changed recently?
Hi kunalb, thought as much but it is good to get confirmation.
I have added two plugins recently but the problem remains after I have deactivated them.
I am doing a full diagnostic on plugins tomorrow and will update on what I find.
Appreciate you taking an interest.
Ok—EventPress creates events under a post type ep_event and registrations under post type ep_reg; just in case that proves useful.
Hi kunalb.
Well I have it working again but I am not sure if I solved the problem. The Eventpress plugin reverted to normal behaviour after I deactivated the WPMU CustomPress plugin.
Once I was sure Eventpress was working properly I reactivated CustomPress expecting to see the same problem but no,both are coexisting nicely.
This is not the only problem I have experienced, I have had problems with xprofile not working. This started working again after I deactivated PaulSmith’s Welcome Pack plugin and this was also possible to reactivate. I have also been throwing server 500 problems, white pages errors as well. This was solved by a reinstall from a back-up but the Eventpress and xprofile problem remained
All very very odd – and I suspect a hosting setting hosting error which has been correct.
I would like to understand what happened as I hate the thought of the site being fragile but for now it’s all up and running as designed.
I promise not to bug you unless it recurs at some point.
I’ve actually never used—or run into anyone using—Custom Press and EventPress. As for xProfiles, EP as such doesn’t interfere with any of those. I can only comment based on past bug reports and yours is the first one of this kind—and the only way that I can think of for EP to cause a 500 server error is if one of the few rewrite rules in EP conflicts with some other rewrite rules.
However, I think you seem to be using network mode? I haven’t actually tested EP/BPCP in network mode—so can’t predict the behaviour at all.
And I think you meant Paul Gibb’s Welcome Pack
Apart from that I got everything right??? : )
Understand about Custom Press, the site is a bit of an experiment at the moment and needs rationalising back. ( You should see the plugins I have deactivated!!!
Understand about xProfiles and didn’t mean to suggest there was a correlation,it’s all happened at once.
I have the test site on bluehost under the irrilium domain which should not be a network. I have another bluehost domain stocastica, which is run in network mode with a few websites active so I’ll have a look and see if I made a goof on the install for
As you already know, I am a noob 5 months into this new world so all errors are mine, especially changing Mr Gibb’s name. I was sure I written Gibbs, I will apologise to him.
Thank you for your interest and support kunalb, I appreciate you are very busy!