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EveryThing Crashes when change Permalink Settings

  • @amakki


    Hello All ,
    First of All ,
    I am using ‘wampserver’ as my localhost .
    my wordpress version 3.1.1
    my buddypress is 1.2.8

    Now , i just installed the wordpress , and installed buddy press…
    and activated the default theme to be compatible with buddy press.
    and since i have to change the permalink settings to any other settings except default.. the whole website crashes…
    i just open the home page. but when i try to go to another page. it just displays “Not Found” 404 page
    also members and activity and forums doesn’t work …
    i changed the permalink settings to “Day and Name”
    and i also tried to upgrade the wordpress to 3.1.2 , but still the same 404 page appear.
    Help pls

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  • @hnla


    And are you sure that mod_rewrite is working and your .htaccess file is getting written/updated to?

    Work with just your plain vanilla WP install first and get things working correctly then enable BP plugin and anything else required.



    Well , i did disabled the BP plugin , and the website still doesn’t work and i still get the 404 not found page.

    but , i when i add ‘index.php’ to the permalink … so it be like this :
    ` /index.php/%year%/%monthnum%/%day%/%postname%/ `

    the page displays but the link doesn’t display the date and name , it became like this .

    ` http://localhost/testbuddy/index.php/test-two/ `

    but it works.

    about my .htaccess file, its like this after adding the index.php at the beginning of the permalink :
    # BEGIN WordPress

    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /testbuddy/
    RewriteRule ^index.php$ – [L]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule . /testbuddy/index.php [L]

    # END WordPress`

    is it correct that way?



    i think you should know that if the permalink is set to “date and name” , and then i add a new page , such as “test-perma”
    the preview permalinks before publishing the page displays like this:

    ` http://localhost/testbuddy/test-perma/ `

    which is not correct because i think it should reads ‘ http://localhost/testbuddy/2011/05/25/test-perma/



    The index.php in the path is suggestive that you’re using or the server is using PATHINFO, you don’t really want index.php in there if it can be helped.

    I would be using xampp or mamp if on Mac rather than wamp other than that you are going to need to rummage around in the conf files to work out how to set up mod_rewrite or get rid of PATHINFO if that is what is being used.



    Well , i found that mod_rewrite was disabled,
    now i enabled and the pages works and the 404 not found is no longer appear…

    but , the problem now is the permalink i asked for is not displayed . it just displays


    which now the page works since the mod_rewrite is enabled , but why it doesn’t display like the permalink i choosed .

    it should be
    Well , i found that mod_rewrite was disabled,
    now i enabled and the pages works and the 404 not found is no longer appear…

    but , the problem now is the permalink i asked for is not displayed . it just displays





    You shuoldn’t need testbudy listed in there twice.

    By having your BASE set to /testbuddy that SHOULD remove the need to have /testbuddy/index.php specified.

    # BEGIN WordPress

    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /testbuddy/
    RewriteRule ^index.php$ – [L]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule . /index.php [L]

    # END WordPress

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