<?php the_content('
Read the rest of this page »
‘); ?>
Pages: ‘, ‘after’ => ‘
‘, ‘next_or_number’ => ‘number’)); ?>
I just installed BuddyPress and ‘BuddyPress Template Pack’ on my site. The sidebar is at the bottom and I don’t know how to fix it.
The site is: http://www.ladyfreshup.com/communaute/category/forums
Thanks in advance for your help.
@Fredok had a look and all seems fine?
No. The sidebar should be on the right side and the page should be white . the home page is ok. Activity, forums, group, members and register are not. Any idea on how I could fix them?
the page being white:
on line 22 of style.css add background: #fff;
and for your sidebar you can either float both your container and sidebar left, then just make sure the container is called before the sidebar or you can try play around with floating your sidebar on line 97 of screen.css right
Its abit messy so hard to say
@Fredok I’m afraid running the template pack is only half the story and to finish the process you do need to get stuck in and edit the main pages markup; BP pages need to match your parent markup, and from a quick glance I can see that they don’t at all at the moment.
Open up index.php and use that as a reference, your bp pages need to follow the same major elements such as #container which I can see there are two of and as an ID there can only be one and regardless should only exist once. So all the index.php markup should exist in the same order in the BP pages with the bp specific elements sitting nested in the parent markup/framework.
nit3watch and hnla thank you both for your help.
hnla. I am a newbie. I understand that I will have to modify some of the templates to match the theme’s HTML structure.
Where should I go exactly to make those changes. Could you please guide me by explaining step by step which template or file I should open to make the change?
Try opening index.php or page.php, basically a file that you know renders correctly and therefore contains the correct markup elements and ID/classes and then compare that to the index.php file in the activity folder for bp, you need to copy any elements that exist in the good file to the BP one that doesn’t have them.
am I looking in the right folder for the “activity folder for bp” ?
Still couldn’t properly match elements to the BP. hnla, since you do know how to fix it, can you help me with that? I will pay.
Thank you.
You should be looking for the BP files in your child theme directory, Step 1 should have copied over the necessary BP folders such as /activity along with amongst others index.php files if step one automated moving of these BP files didn’t work then step 2 would explain to move these files manually.
If those files are present then you need to open the main index file in the themes top level folder and also the index.php from the bp activity folder, comparing those you will see a difference in elements apparent and need to get the BP file to match the main themes index file and repeat for all other BP files as listed in the plugin guide page.
Not really sure that getting me to do this would be cost effective and end up costing rather a lot
If you postup the contents of those two files some kindly soul might do a quick reworking of the BP one to match the themes structure as an example for you to follow for the other files.
Thank you so much.
Here are those two files:
1-Page.php (child theme)
<div class="post" id="post-“>
Read the rest of this page »
‘); ?>
Pages: ‘, ‘after’ => ‘
‘, ‘next_or_number’ => ‘number’)); ?>
<?php edit_post_link('Edit this entry.', '
‘, ‘
‘); ?>
2- BP Activity/index.php
Sorry, I have to re-post the two files. The content was too long.
1- page.php (Child theme)
[page content]
2- BP Activity/index.php
[page content]
Thank you again for your help.
Apparently, can’t display those two files here.
Don’t know what to do. Any idea?
I’ve had to perform some sly edit trickery to be able to get into your post to edit it to bring the thread back to normality
Please note the instruction right below the post window that says:
“To display code, put it between `backticks`.”
Are you sure that the page.php is actually the whole file? it doesn’t look it and it’s the first few elements that are the critical ones , generally the file or any file must start with get_header() and that would tend to confirm that it’s the start and no other elements are missing when viewing the file.
Sorry , I did forget the first line for the page.php which is:
1-Page.php (child theme)
<div class="post" id="post-“>
Read the rest of this page »
‘); ?>
Pages: ‘, ‘after’ => ‘
‘, ‘next_or_number’ => ‘number’)); ?>
<?php edit_post_link('Edit this entry.', '
‘, ‘
‘); ?>
2- BP Activity/index.php
Copied those pasted files over as we have irritatingly crossed to a second page.
The first files two lines are the important ones notice the difference?
In the BP file you need to replace:
The end of the BP file now becomes:
In testing this rename your bp-file to something like index.php.bck and make a copy renamed to the valid file to work on this way it’s a simple reversion when it all goes wrong rename current file to index.php.borked and rename the .bck file back o index.php.
I’m afraid it’s likely not going to be as simple with all the pages as the theme you have chosen makes use of a framework (bad oh so bad yahoo!) style CSS which creates lots of non semantically named elements such as that span-16 and you may find a few of these on other pages however the main layout structure is governed by the #contentwrap and that will appear on all the theme pages so this change will need to be made in each BP file along with that span-16 element which I guess acts as a wrapper for the content to allow page content to come before sidebar content in which case they have chosen bad naming convensions
Thank you so much. The files are ok now. but still couldn’t fix the sidebar and the background color.
Files don’t look ok when I view source of a page, you did adjust the copy of activity/index.php that lives in your child theme rather than in the original bp-default folder inside the BP plugin.