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Forum Moderation – Block HTML Submissions on Register – ETC

  • @ddrohde


    I have a forum that has grown to over 1K users in three weeks. We have recently ditched our PHPBB forum in interest of utilizing BBForum. I have been doing a significant about of research and have found no resources for forum moderation within BP.

    It would make sense for a group moderator to be able to delete users comments, ban /and – or / block users, etc.

    Does anybody have any recommendations for implementing these types of permissions for a moderator?

    The result would be: moderators would be able to approve / delete comments, block / ban users, edit users comments, and associated tasks.

    Additionally, there appears to be a bug when users register. I had a user submit a link with about 500 words of text for their profile name and it posted through.

    Thank you for any insight you may be able to offer on this subject matter.

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