This is how I did it on my site: (it just prevents BP from registering the widgets)
// Remove buddypress widgets from blogs other than the main blog
function hide_bp_widgets() {
if (!is_main_blog()) remove_all_actions(‘bp_register_widgets’);
add_action(‘plugins_loaded’, ‘hide_bp_widgets’, 1); // Has to run before bp_setup_widgets()
@Richard Venable
Thanks, did you drop that in the CSS file?
Functions go in a file bp-custom.php put this file in your plugins directory
Im confused, so I need to create a plug-in. I tried adding the following code to a file named “bp-custom.php” and then dropped into my plug-ins folder and got a error.on all my pages
Then I tried to drop that same file into buddypress and it didnt work.
The file goes in your plugins directory. What error message did you receive?