I haven’t achieved this yet, but I might add it sometime in the future…
@ewebber, none of the editors appear!!! I installed it and they dont appear 
And the plugin breaks my wp-grins clickable smilies
@ewebber, what tweaks??
If I don’t get this I am going to lose it
@luvs the only tweaks I made were to the set of icons used, this plugin should add the set to all text areas – it may be something to do with your theme, have you tested it out on a different theme?
One issue I have found with this is to do with the javascript it loads – this conflicts with image cropping on avatars. This is likely what is happening to your other plugin if it uses javascript
I had some great help from the developer of the plugin (over here: http://online-source.net/2010/10/24/markitup-html-set-for-wordpress) who made some tweaks and I now have this working on my buddypress site
I am not going to use that plugin, I have markitup now running on the textareas through my database, with no plugin through a clean install following this guide: http://etivite.com/groups/buddypress/forum/topic/quick-tip-adding-markitup-to-group-forum-textareas/#topic
That plugin has corrupt jquery problems.
@svc yup it did have issues, which seems because the developer didn’t create it for buddypress, but he did come up with a solution that seems to work for me. I have been through the guide on etivite and I couldn’t get it to work, I will try again through