What do you mean? A front page thats different than when logged in?
Creating a landing page in BuddyPress is no different than creating a landing page in WordPress.
Like Modemlooper said, what do you mean exactly?
Let’s say a user visits my site, http://buddypress.com. I want them to view a simple page that has random post’s thumbnail. And when they clicks any of the post thumbnail, they’ll be directed the post page.
But I want to retain my home page.
I use this plugin on my WordPress site, perhaps it will work with BP too? It does work with WP 3.01 despite it being almost two years old.
@Pisanojm Thanks but it doesn’t work 
You can try by adding “DirectoryIndex” by way of modifying the HTACCESS file.
The way I did it was I added the line:
DirectoryIndex my-main-landing-page-on-my-home-page.html
this tells your webserver to use that file as the main “index” instead of the “index.php”
it seems to work well as “maintenance page” while keeping all of the functionality of buddypress intact (blogs, members, sign ins, etc) still seem to function.
hi guys. i have just created a social networking site and configured it with some codes so as to hide the members activities and nav menu from logged out memebers. the only problem is that the site looks so blank and that it doesnt look attractive. i was wondering if any of you would help me design a landing page so that if someone types my sites url, he is directed to that page and can sign up and also log in. the logged out members should also be able to see it. i.e a landing page for both logged out members and those that want tro log in thank you. btw, my site is at http://campusspage.com/