13 years, 10 months ago
I have a profile field called “Bio”, and I’d like to display it’s content in the post footer, to show the author’s bio.
I’ve tried “ and “, but I’m still pretty lost.
How can I do this ?
13 years, 9 months ago
Hey I also need to do this, does anyone knows how to? thank you
I have author bios on my blog, see this: http://culturismo-fitness.com/puedes-ganar-musculo-pero-se-realista/ It is a example… if you wanna how to: http://gabediaz.com/blog/displaying-author-pic-and-bio-in-your-wordpress-post/
@jpfaraco the following method worked fine for me.
But the methods discussed in other posts did not, namely;
“ and “
Perhaps somebody more knowledgeable than I could explain why, since the first method was recommended several times in the past by @hnla – https://buddypress.org/community/groups/how-to-and-troubleshooting/forum/topic/how-to-show-custom-profile-fields-in-a-template-file/