You might try a combination of jQuery + CSS. You could set a max-height with CSS and then do a show/hide with jQuery.
How to remove friends function and add follow function ?
Hello ,
I wanted to add follow functions same like twitter in my BuddyPress site , I wanted to remove friendship function completely , I don’t want to use any plugins , I wanted to change core file , where should I edit ??
@verteus This functionality is already included in buddypress: in _inc -> global.js change the number in the following 2 lines:
1- if ( jq(this).children(‘ul’).children(‘li’).length < 5 )
2- if ( i < comment_lis.length – 5 )
In this way the latest 5 comments will be shown and a link “show all comments” will appear above comments. Of course this will happen when number of comments is above 5 (change the number to what you want).
12 years, 7 months ago
Hello, I would like to hide/show the comments on the activity feed. By the default, the comments will be hidden. If a user wants to see the comments, he’ll press on a link.
This is something we are used to see in the big social networks.
The idea came to me when I noticed more than 10 comments under one status update…