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Make a different profile page for a special user

  • @imjscn


    I want to do this on the header of profile page—
    if user ID is 1 or 2, display

    instead of
    “last update’, “mention this user”….

    if user is anybody else, display item-meta as normal.

    How to do this?

    in members-header.php, can comment out a line to display some fields, but that changes for all. I want to change for only several member’s profile page.

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  • @hnla


    It’s essentially already being done, if you look at member-header.php you will see that ‘last activity’ and ‘latest updates’ for the member being displayed are fetched by passing in bp_displayed_user_id() that function returns the current displayed user so all you need to do is an if displayed user == ‘ID’ do some stuff else carry on and do latest update.



    @hnla, I searched around, still can’t figure out how to write down the code, would you help me settle down this code?
    if displayed user ==”ID”, do this, else, carry on as normal.



    What did you actually try though Jenny?

    For each profile display in the header.php there is the function:


    This always returns the id of the current profile or user that is being viewed, you can check that by simply adding above the heading tag:

    <?php echo bp_displayed_user_id() ?>

    And you should see a numeric value returned which is that members ID

    Now we know that it’s a simple case of writing an if conditional that carries as it’s primary query:

    bp_displayed_user_id() == 1

    If you’re not sure how to write PHP conditionals look through various theme files as there are countless examples of them (you’ll spot them by the fact they start with ‘if’ ) or check out the PHP docs or google ‘php conditional statements’

    If you are really still stuck post back and we’ll help further but conditionals are a useful bit of PHP coding to learn to write



    Thanks! I will try to manage, and come back later



    @hnla, I think the problem is the things after “endif”.
    I added if bp_displayed_user_id() == 1 , display this, endif, so, after displayed user 1 stuffs, other things after the endif still carry out.
    I want to remove things after the endif when userid is 1.




    You need to put that code you don’t want for user 1 in an ‘else’ clause then.

    If you are working with the template code in this way, you should really read up on PHP. A simple primer on the language will take you through these basic constructs in no time.





    For what it’s worth, Paul’s awesome snufflewufflepants patch will make this easier in BP 1.3

    In the meantime, hnla and Roger’s advice is good.



    No patch can be allowed to be committed called snufflewuffwafflepants, sorry!

    Still will always be a need for basic frontend PHP manipulation though, especially of the conditional construct variety.



    Thanks, @Boone Gorges, but creating a template will be a even more complicated project for me. Iet me try the would-be-simple way first.
    @Roger, @hnla, thanks! but I need more details to get the job done.
    Would you please help me check what’s wrong with the following code? the stuffs in the else { } still gets loaded in this user’s profile:




    `else{ original code }`





    You’r5e mixing different syntax approaches to writing a conditional:

    Classic is:

    generally used though is :

    so your else needs to be

    <?php else: ?>

    ‘stuff here’

    <?php endif; ?>



    @hnla, can’t see your code. you need sorround every line with backticks.
    Sorry, I just edited previous post. the error message was because an unexpected “:”, I changed it, the error message gone.
    Now the if statement gets all stuffs loaded after the special user’s content, and all other user’s item header become blank. — the reverse result.



    oops forgot to escape the entities, little bit busy at the moment.

    <?php else: ?>



    @hnla, thanks a million! It works finally!

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