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Members Shouldn’t be able to Delete most Activity Items

  • @nahummadrid


    Is there a way to remove the delete link option from member non activity-action items like blog comments and blog posts. I don’t think members should be given the option to delete these items where they SHOULD be able to delete status updates and other activities they create from within the stream. I’ve been able to hide the delete option but I don’t know how to use a filter to get rid of it. But overall, I was thinking maybe this should be part of BP.

    If a member writes a post for a blog on the site that activity stream item is public and is attached to a blog and the member shouldn’t be able to delete it unless the post is deleted from the blog. Same goes for comments and come to think of it, the same should be true for most of the other items except for stuff like Favorites, Likes, etc.

    I got to thinking about this while working with an activity search, and users should be able to search all activity items like blog posts and those items should exist permanently so the search is accurate.

    Anyway, can someone suggest the way to remove the delete link from these specific items for everyone except for superadmin?

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  • @karmatosed


    If you want it considered to be part of the BuddyPress core then filing an enhancement ticket is usually the best route.

    If you have a patch for it smiley faces of happiness all around as that really rocks.

    As a work around you probably want to look at some of the user limiting plugins / membership / privacy.



    @karmatosed I’m going to try this trac you speak of. I will submit these ideas to this place and get over my fear of getting punted.

    I submitted a ticket just today…and I’ll submit this and the last idea you mentioned to do this for. :)



    Cool patience may be needed but all tickets get an eyeball at some point I find. Don’t worry BuddyPress is a really cool friendly place you don’t get punted if have a point.



    I think you could do this already. Check out bp_activity_user_can_delete(); use its filter. (I’m looking at BP 1.5, of course)

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