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move from wp to wpmu

  • Matt Kern


    Hello friends

    I have a BP install and I want to use the wpmu classifieds plugin but I installed my BP on top of WP.

    I know WP 3.0 is right around the corner but I am getting a bit of pressure by some jerk (he is watching me type this ;-) to get the classifieds going before the 3.0 release.

    So, that being said, what is involved in going from WP to WPMU? I have about 30 users and a fair amount of BP data but no blog data. What would happen if I copied all the wpmu files over my wp files?



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  • Matt Kern


    OK, so I got thru the first 99% of the migration. My question now is the wp_options table.

    I renamed it to wp_1_options and deleted the freshly installed wpmu options data and replaced it with the original wp/bp options data.

    I am still missing my original widgets data but other than that is seems ok.

    I am afraid I deleted something I will miss later.

    Is it better to append the wpmu options with my original data? Or just start over like I did?

    I have since had trouble using the bp classifieds plugin but I am not entirely sure its related.

    Any thoughts?


    Andrea Rennick


    For someone in that much of a hurry ;) I woudl have just upgraded the WP to the beta of 3.0. Less work involved, less breakage (potentially)

    But, since you alreayd made the move, just go over these steps:

    Matt Kern


    Thanks Andrea. I will check the link out.

    I actually moved everything pretty smoothly but my one plugin is giving me errors on one theme. When I switch to the default theme I am mostly error free.

    I will check out the beta. Its not that much work to start over.

    I get paid handsomely in Panera sandwiches for lunch so I can’t complain about my employer ;-) I just do what he says…. haha

    thanks again Andrea!

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