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Ning to Buddypress Importer – Receiving Skip message for Forum ID’s

  • @tonyzeoli


    I’ve installed the Ning to BuddyPress Importer and have been receiving some help from the developer. At this point, I’m getting a skip error due to forum ID, which is not either be matched or recognized.

    We’ve done everything we can to increase PHP Memory, resize the JSON file down from 14 MB to 2 MB, and I even dumped the contents of the wp_bb_forums table in the DB, then retried it and am still getting the error.

    UPDATE: I reuploaded a clean JSON file, and now I don’t get the error, but I do get this:

    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /nfs/c07/h01/mnt/102475/domains/ on line 619
    I looked at line 619 and this is where it’s hanging up. Any suggestions?

    foreach ( $discussions as $discussion_key => $discussion ) {
    if ( !isset( $discussion->category ) )

    Any ideas on how to solve this?

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