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PHP Error Message When Editing User Profiles

  • Michele


    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /—-/—-/—-/ in /home/munortap/public_html/ on line 890

    I first saw a “cannot modify header information” error when trying to download the Custom Profile Field Pluggin for Buddy Press:

    After I received the error, I immediately disabled the pluggin. However, now whenever trying to access the /profile/edit/ page, the above error comes up. I changed any modifications to the site back to what they were 10 minutes ago, when everything was working fine.

    If anyone knows of this problem or has some idea on how to correct it, please let me know. Thank you.

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  • Michele


    Edit: I’m having the same issue in more places as well. So far when I’m trying to post new post updates or make new post categories the same error is popping up. I’m sure its having the same problem elsewhere too. *sigh*

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