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Please Help! Page Not Found Error (Please Read)

  • @bigsho


    This has to be a bug. I’ve encountered this with two separate installs of WordPress/BuddyPress. The first install was not done by me… I was hired by a client to test out the site. After spending more than a week on the error I decided to do a fresh install on my own server. I followed all Bp Install instruction… and I am very comfortable with doing Wp installs -can do them in my sleep…

    Please Read –
    Error that I am receiving: Page not found. We’re sorry, but we can’t find the page that you’re looking for. Perhaps searching will help.

    However, I do not receive this error on all pages… All my main Bp pages work as they should (on both installs)… HOME , ACTIVITY, GROUPS, MEMBERS… As well as pages (menu links) that are in the admin bar (top of site).

    Instead I get the PAGE NOT FOUND error on the following menu items:
    -Groups / Membership –

    -Groups / Invitations –

    I also get this errors when attempting to check notifications from Group Invites…

    Not sure what to do next. Please help.

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