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Removing Favorites

  • Hi,

    I have a separate favorites plugin that i use for my posts. I have this working perfectly, so I have no use for the favorites that comes with bp. However I would like to use activity streams a little.

    How can I completely remove the built in bp favorites??


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  • The favorites that comes with BP is for the activity stream, not posts.

    yea I know. I have favorites for posts, and that’s all i want. I’ve created a new tab in the adminbar for these favorites.

    I don’t need the activity stream favorites at all. I feel it’s confusing for my users to have 2 sets of favorites.

    How can I completely remove whole favorites system in bp?


    a simple way: just remove the favorite_link() code from the theme file /activity/entry.php

    hi etiviti,

    Thanks for the suggestion, I got that far by myself, so the add/remove favorite link doesn’t show up in activity stream, but there is still a favorites link under My Account -> Activity in the adminbar, and there is still a link to view bp favorites in profile.

    I already have a favorites plugin set up just how i want it, showing it’s own Favorites section in admin bar and in profile. But with the BP favorites there too I got 2 sets of favorites.

    I really just want to remove ALL traces of the bp favorites.

    This is like the final stage towards completing a site that i’ll be really happy with. I hope some one can help me!

    something like:

    bp_core_remove_subnav_item( $bp->activity->slug, 'favorites' );

    Yes!! That’s EXACTLY what I was looking for. Thank you so much, you’re a legend!



    @mymoog – Out of curiosity, what’s the favorites plugin that you’re happy with for the posts?


    Just placed your code into my functions file and the menu item wasn’t removed:
    bp_core_remove_subnav_item( $bp->activity->slug, ‘favorites’ );

    Would anything have change in buddypress to cause this?



    try sticking it in your plugins/bp_custom.php file, like:

    `function stuff_i_want_triggered_after_bp_loads(){
    global $bp;
    bp_core_remove_subnav_item( $bp->activity->slug, ‘favorites’ );
    add_action(‘wp’, ‘stuff_i_want_triggered_after_bp_loads’);`

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